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At the Brain Training Centre our goal is to help individuals, of any age, to be their optimal Self. Everybody deserves to live a healthy, meaningful life. Unfortunately, the promises offered by mainstream psychology often go unfulfilled, despite the best efforts of clients and clinicians alike. While many people are helped by traditional forms of treatment like medication and counselling or psychotherapy, too many people continue to struggle and suffer with psychological disorders despite multiple attempts to get help. Many go from doctor to doctor, and try pill after pill. Some finally just give up, too discouraged to make another phone call and tell their tale again.


Fortunately, neuroscience has pointed the way to a promising new approach to therapy. Research has shown that our brains are capable of enormous change. It’s called neuroplasticity. This finding is giving rise to new solutions that harness this capacity for change to help reduce the symptoms associated with many psychological disorders or conditions.  At the Brain Training Center, we closely follow the research on these promising approaches. We recognize the need for scientific evidence, and carefully evaluate the research on new therapy methods. To view the current state of research in this exciting field, click here.

What Conditions Do We Train?


The Brain Training Centre provides safe, gentle and non-invasive neuromodulation to children and adults labeled with ADD/ADHD. 

Anxiety & Phobias

The brain's default mode influences how you experience daily life. Learn to guide your brain out of its automatic sympathetic (fight/flight) response . 


Depression results from specific neuronal misfirings. The will assesses your neurological pattern to pinpoint the exact areas of the brain causing your symptoms. 

Learning Disorders

To learn effectively requires different areas of the brain to work together. Your brain needs to be able to coordinate the tasks to make learning happen in a blink of an eye.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder. A sufferer’s brain is not operating as it should in a number of different regions. Neurofeedback helps brain regions to communicate effectively and reduce challenges. 

Sleep Disorder/Insomnia

Circadian biology is the key to health and wellness. Retrain your brain's diurnal rhythms to ensure you're able to get the sleep you need and deserve.


Why do some people have more resilience to stress than others? How can you become resilient? The answer lies not in how we treat the symptoms of stress, but in how our brain reacts to stress as it happens.


Until recently, migraines were thought to be caused by abnormalities in the cranial blood vessels. Current research indicates that migraine pain is actually the result of brain instability which then affects neural vasculature.


The brain masterfully compensates for damage in one area by creating similar functionality in another region. 

Neurotherapy trains the brain to reorganise motor circuits and return functional movement and control.


Epilepsy involves neural misfirings, both during and outside of seizures. Neurotherapy is a well-established process demonstrated to safely and actively train the brain to stabilise erratic activity.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

The pattern of intrusive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviours characteristic of OCD is believed to result from a stuck loop in the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuit. 

Neurotherpy can help break the faulty feedback loop to relieve symptoms. 

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

During intense trauma, neural networks involving the amygdala and hippocampus rewire in order to cope with extreme circumstances. But what happens when the event passes and we still feel a pervasive need to remain on guard? 


Escaping the cycle of addiction is tough and requires far more than just willpower. Addiction is physiological rather than simply psychological. Neurotherapy targets both aspects to help you break free of addiction.

Alzheimer's & Dementia

Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and mild cognitive impairment result from impaired neuronal metabolism.

Neurotherapy and education can get you on track to reversing the problem and regaining your life.

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